Discover OUR Why
The Finance Collective
The Finance Collective is a community where all Finance professionals belong. Our mission is to empower skills that matter, no matter where technology takes the Finance profession, human skills. We allow finance professionals to share without their knowledge without it being monetized to the benefit of others.
Our community allows Finance Professionals to:
Develop and improve new human skills.
Share knowledge and resources that impact the finance profession.
Shape their community into what it needs to be for all finance professionals.w

What's New
We are thrilled to announce our inaugural virtual event "Listening with Purpose- Life Changing Skills "!!
Listening is the cornerstone of effective communication. It is a skill, different from hearing, and it needs to be taught and learned by everyone. Listening thought leader, Dr, Laura Juanusik will share how listening fits into effective communication and how our primary listening habits hurt us at different stages in our careers. She’ll demonstrate how 3 seemingly similar finance professionals listen dramatically differently by debriefing their ECHO Listening Profiles™ the only valid tool the measures Listening Habits and Blind Spots. The ECHO™ pillars of effective listening and a listening assessment tool (ECHO) that can offer value to anyone regardless of where they are at in their careers. It can help explain why you got stuck and why you’ve been successful!
This webinar features a review of the ECHO listening assessments of Treasury professionals, Erin Van Dreason, Misty Lea, and Ernie Humphrey (The Chief Evangelist of The Finance Collective) by Dr. Laura. Erin, Misty and Ernie will share what they have learned from their ECHO assessments and how it has impacted how they listen and communicate.

Listening with Purpose

The Art of Building Trust

Defining Your Value Proposition
Featured Resource Hubs
Featured Resources
Professional Brand
There is no more valuable asset in your career than your professional brand. Whether you take control of it, and get the most out of it, is up to you.
Communication is a critical skill for anyone. Communicating with impact
in-person and virtually matters
There is no “I” in success. Career success is driven by effective collaboration up and down the corporate ladder, and across and beyond The Office of the CFO.
This Community Needs You!!
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Share your lessons learned and your career success story.

Share your lessons learned and your career success story.

Volunteer to be a contestant on Finance Family Feud, Finance Wheel of Fortune or Finance Jeopardy.